Technical Links
American Society of Home Inspectors - This is our biggest and best source of home inspection information.
PROASHI - This is a good source for home inspectors in the Pittsburgh Area. If we can't do your inspection, make sure you get a PROASHI member.
Aluminum Wiring Hazards Website: This website, hosted by answers nearly all questions about aluminum electrical wiring inspection, hazards, and repairs
Asbestos - Good site with more links about Asbestos.
Asbestos Roof Tiles - Helpful website from Colorado providing information on Asbestos roof tiles and general information on asbestos.
Asbestos Roof Tiles - Repair/restoration information regarding Asbestos tile roofs.
Babyproofing Pittsburgh - Suggestions for how to child-proof your home to make it safer for babies and small children.
Crawl Spaces - Here is some information that shows how to deal with a damp crawl space
Condensation in attics - From our Neighbors to the North - where they have lots of condensation problems. Its a little technical, but this article is the best that we have found.
Clay Roof Tiles - Helpful website from Colorado offering sales and information for rare or hard to find clay roof tiles.
Crawl Spaces Technical Data - Research data that explains problems with crawl spaces.
Deck Construction Guide - The American Wood Council website has a Prescriptive Residential Wood Deck Construction Guide that you can download.
Deck Construction Permit - If you are in the city limits of Pittsburgh, this link will help guide you on the requirements for deck construction. Otherwise, you should consult with your local municipality regarding any future plans to build a deck.
Dryer Venting - Information on how to properly vent your dryer. Most manufacturers DO NOT recommend using flexible dryer venting materials.
Federal Pacific Stab-loc circuit breakers - A thorough explanation on how these panels can be an electrical/fire hazard.
Foundation Wall Anchors - Remember that it is always best to have a foundation evaluated by an independant Structural PE (Professional Engineer) rather than a foundation repair contractor (so that you can get a thorough inspection without a sales pitch).
Carbon Fiber Reinforcement - A new foundation reinforcement system that looks better than wall anchors but will not pull the wall back into place.
Ground fault protection- More information on ground fault protection devices.
Ground fault protection requirements - Recommended GFCI locations and history.
Magnetic fields- Do magnetic fields cause cancer?
Mold - Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) website on mold and moisture.
The BEST Mold Link - The latest research about mold on Building
Online Cost estimating guide - Enter specific information and your zip code and --- like magic - there is your estimate.
Powered Attic Ventilators - There can be problems with attic fans, and they generally are not cost effective for venting attics.
Radon Information for the General Public: The Radon Division of the PA Department of Environmental Protection website has a ton of information about radon, testing and mitigation. You can find our certifications on this site.
Radon: Citizens Guide to Radon
Radon: Home Buyer's and Seller's Guide to Radon
Radon: Radon Mitigation System Fact Sheet
Radon: Radon In Water
Radon: Health Effects of Radon Fact Sheet
Slate Roof Contractors Association -Official website of the Slate Roof Contractors Association - allows users to search for contractors by state. Contains links to further information regarding slate, as well as other Professional Roofing Associations.
Slate Roofs - The largest source for slate roof information, further reading, videos, discussion forums, and anything else you could possibly want to know about slate.
Tempered glass requirements - Long and complicated requirements of today.
Termite Treatment - Everything you need to know about termites and termite treatment from Glenn daughter's alma mater. Go Hokies!
Truss Uplift - This condition sometimes occurs in newer construction with significant cracking at the wall/ceiling joint. This links to Wayne Falcone's site .
Vermiculite insulation - EPA's website on vermiculite insulation that may be asbestos containing.